Can I have bread & butter ?
What would I do if I want to eat a toast with butter? Can I have it ? Can I keep my calories under control
Lara Al-Dandachi is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) and Certified Diabetes Educator who provides care to patients in UCLA Health’s Gonda Diabetes Center in Westwood and Santa Monica, and coordinates the UCLA Gonda Diabetes Prevention Program, which was awarded full CDC recognition. She has 16 years of experience providing medical nutrition therapy as a RDN, and holds two board certifications in diabetes education: CDE and an advanced diabetes management certification, BC-ADM. She is fluent in Arabic and French.
What would I do if I want to eat a toast with butter? Can I have it ? Can I keep my calories under control
What’s for dinner? • 2 cups of Spinach (Spinach is one of my favorite green leafy vegetables that I use regularly more than arugula, kale
شارك خبرتك ومعرفتك مع العالم من خلال منصة جليس، المنصة التي تتيح للخبراء في عدة مجالات عرض محتواهم على أي من مواقع مجموعة حاوي الإعلامية. مع دعم اللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية، سيتم نشر مقالاتك باسمك بمجرد الموافقة عليها.
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