Criticize Actions Not People
“If I could get $1 every time I heard about somebody not liking to work with another person, or having pain from their own business
A Chief Innovation Officer, Business Psychologist, International Expert & Speaker on Strategic Innovation & Digital Transformation with an extensive regional experience of more than 20 years covering 30+ countries in the Middle East & Africa. Living an influential life where his thoughts, visions, and teachings reach more than 500+ thousand followers from around the world on a daily basis through Books, Articles, Quotes, Podcasts and Social Interactions, along with International Speaking engagements on topics related to Innovation, Strategy, Motivation & Technology.
“If I could get $1 every time I heard about somebody not liking to work with another person, or having pain from their own business
شارك خبرتك ومعرفتك مع العالم من خلال منصة جليس، المنصة التي تتيح للخبراء في عدة مجالات عرض محتواهم على أي من مواقع مجموعة حاوي الإعلامية. مع دعم اللغتين الإنجليزية والعربية، سيتم نشر مقالاتك باسمك بمجرد الموافقة عليها.
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