White beans Benefits and How to read the labels on US products?

Have you ever tried Great Northern Beans sautéed with Cilantro , garlic and olive oil? ?- A typical Vegan dish in Mediterranean cuisine. There r different kinds of White beans,most common type in Mediterranean cuisine is Cannelini. White beans are extremely high in Fiber & Protein. Prebiotics and Probiotics powerhouse too!! You get the double benefit of the dietary fiber (Prebiotics) that feeds your good gut bacteria (Probiotics) improving your digestive system. In addition they super packed with Potassium! I soaked the beans overnight then boiled for 1-2 hrs. You can make a big pot and put it in the fridge to use on multiple days. I had some Frozen sautéed Cilantro and minced Garlic mixed with olive oil. A tip given to me by a friend and amazing cook to freeze them ahead. You can eat it without bread, but I like the Artisan thin lavanche (45 calories, 2 gms Carb per slice) and super delicious. I get it from Persian or Armenian markets. Beans are also low on Glycemic Load and Glycemic Index, which helps regulates your BG levels. Added ⬇️ • Fresh mint • 1 tomato ? • White Radishes and pickled Onions (just pickled with vinegar in Mason Jar) • 1-2 TBSP Extra virgin olive oil. • 1 -2 freshly squeezed lemon ? This dish provides 620 calories/ 39 gms Protein/ 32 gms fiber. My daily requirements for Fiber. Photo #2 shows the labels. The Nutrition Facts Labels were recently updated per FDA requirements (after 2 decades), Amongst the changes implemented are • Serving Size is in Larger font (Please remember the info listed is found only in that particular size, not the whole package), many ppl didn’t know that. • Total Calories are in much larger print. • Added sugar is now listed (amount + %Daily Value). THIS IS HUGE!! Added sugars were not listed in the past. • Under Micronutrients (Vitamins & Minerals), Vitamin A and Vitamin C were removed due to recent scientific findings showing that these Vitamin deficiencies are not common at this point in Western Societies. • Vitamin D and Potassium were added instead.

المعلومات المقدمة حول هذا الموضوع ليست بديلاً عن المشورة المهنية ، ويجب عليك استشارة أحد المتخصصين المؤهلين للحصول على مشورة محددة تتناسب مع وضعك. بينما نسعى جاهدين لضمان دقة المعلومات المقدمة وحداثتها ، فإننا لا نقدم أي ضمانات أو إقرارات من أي نوع ، صريحة أو ضمنية ، حول اكتمال أو دقة أو موثوقية أو ملاءمة أو توفر المعلومات أو المنتجات أو الخدمات أو ما يتعلق بها الرسومات الواردة لأي غرض من الأغراض. أي اعتماد تضعه على هذه المعلومات يكون على مسؤوليتك الخاصة. لا يمكن أن نتحمل المسؤولية عن أي عواقب قد تنجم عن استخدام هذه المعلومات. يُنصح دائمًا بالحصول على إرشادات من محترف مؤهل.