Dr.nermeen elhwary

Egyptian hospital pharmacist in al-mamoura psychatric hospital.
medical content writer according to Seo. Profreeder, and Seo specialist.

Dr.nermeen elhwary

كيف تتخلص من السمنه

مفهوم السمنه ومؤشراتها على الصحة    يمكن تعريف السمنة على أنها حالة زيادة الوزن المفرطة والزيادة في الدهون الزائدة في الجسم، وهي تشكل خطراً على

Dr.nermeen elhwary

How can you manage diabetes mellitus?

Introduction to diabetes mellitus    Diabetes mellitus, commonly known as diabetes.  is a chronic metabolic disorder characterized by high levels of glucose (sugar) in the

Dr.nermeen elhwary

5 facts on freelance should you know

5 facts on freelance should you know Freelance meaning      freelance worker are phrases frequently used to describe someone who is self-employed and isn’t necessarily

Dr.nermeen elhwary

What are the side effects of cortisone?

  What are the side effects of cortisone?   Cortisone is corticosteroid, These synthetic steroids resemble the hormone cortisol, which your body naturally produces.  These drugs

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