Day: 7 August 2023

Iconic Friendship Movies Of Bollywood: Which One Is Your Favorite?

Several Bollywood films revolve around friendship, explaining its significance through humor and an emotional tone that makes it hard to stop tears from rolling your eyes. These movies inspire us all by portraying the moral and ethical values ​​associated with friendship and illuminating this beautiful term with a bright meaning. Most of these Bollywood movies …

Iconic Friendship Movies Of Bollywood: Which One Is Your Favorite? Read More »

Different Levels Of Friendship: Which Friend Do You Need In Life?

Since birth, we all know friendship  is unique and magically connects people. Having friends in life is vital for our growth and nourishment. Family forms an essential core, but the place of friends is unmatched as sometimes we would be surprised to know how connected we become to people who had been strangers to us …

Different Levels Of Friendship: Which Friend Do You Need In Life? Read More »


A sister is like a mirror reflection of your mother, portraying the selfless qualities of love and kindness towards brightening your life with colors. She is an integral part of your life with whom you grow up, play pranks, share secrets, tease each other and learn the gift of sharing. National Sisters’ Day  is a …

CELEBRATING NATIONAL SISTERS’ DAY: Time To Appreciate Your Sisters Read More »