Published Articles

Meta Under Fire: Content Moderation, Corporate Decisions
Meta Under Fire: Navigating Controversies in Content Moderation, Corporate Decisions, and Internal Policies Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, is undergoing significant policy

من حكايات العارفين: سكن القلوب.. غاية العاشقين
بقلم /حسين الطيب يا من تتوق أرواحكم إلى نور القرب الإلهي، وتشتاق قلوبكم لفيض المحبة الربانية، هلمّوا لنغترف من معين الحكمة والروحانية الذي يروي الظمأ

List of All the Generations for the Past 100 Years
Welcome to the Future of Generations Imagine a world where technology and humanity evolve hand in hand, creating a future that’s not only innovative but

What’s More Important “Top line” or the “Bottom line”?
As the Co-founder of 7awi Media Group, I have constantly navigated this conundrum—much like the age-old question, “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”

Can Bottled Water Protect Your Hair from Dubai’s Hard Water?
Living in the Gulf region, especially in cities like Dubai, presents unique challenges, particularly when it comes to hard water. Dubai’s tap water is considered

4 Key Strategies of UAE’s Real Estate Marketing in 2025
The UAE’s real estate market is in a state of dynamic growth. In Q3 2024, Dubai recorded 50,425 a 38% year-on-year increase, recording 50,425 transactions

Why SEO Falls Short Rise of HumanCentric AI in Web Searching
The traditional SEO model has long been defined by its focus on algorithmic compliance and monetization. Businesses are required to tailor their websites to specific

Tesla’s Rumored Smartphone Features Could Change Everything
In the world of innovation, Tesla has always been synonymous with groundbreaking ideas, from electric vehicles to solar energy solutions. Now, rumors are swirling about